Thursday, June 7, 2012

Floyd Collins: Greg Foster, Truth be Told

What have I set in motion here?

Ever wonder what you're meant to be? Or what your part is in this world? Or you think you have it all figured out, but then a surprise awaits you around the corner? In a single moment that surprise can be something that can change your life forever. Fate perhaps? Destiny. These are all questions that Skeets Miller discovers the answers to within a short period of time.

Behind every good story is truth. Skeets Miller is an honest, sincere man who finds himself thrown into a story like nothing he's ever encountered before. A story that not only changes the media, but himself all together.

This role has been such a challenge, doing all the historical research, getting the accent down with such words as Louisville, or "Luville," and actually putting myself in the darkest, blackest, claustrophobic hole ever imaginable. Truly living that and doing everything in my power to save a mans life. Thats pretty deep stuff. Its a blast! I love it! Even more so, I think the thing that gets me more than ever is that this all actually happened. It's real. It really is something to let that reality sit in you. These people went through this together, Floyd and Skeets, Floyd's family, the world and I just want I honor and respect that and give it justice.

That's what I want to accomplish, playing Skeets Miller like he really was.

The truth.

-- Greg Foster , is a Chicago actor playing "Skeets Miller" in BoHo Theatre's production of Floyd Collins. Greg is "so pumped" to be working with BoHo and sends love and thanks to his family, friends, and God. Tickets are on sale now!

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